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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cloth Diapers: First full night

Baby Moesha was cloth diapered for the whole night last night ! That's a first. Well, kinda. Cause she was cd'd when she was born. But it didnt work. She was waking up, I had to change her, which woke her up even further. I was absolutely determined only use CD but unfortunately, it didnt work for us.

I still use CD a lot, always when we're at home and half half when we're outside. I use the sposies for trips (cloth diapers didn't go with us to Prague or Edmonton), outings (if she's at babysitters) andfor the night. I don't think it's complicated or a hassle, I really like it. As you may remember, I posted a while back that we never had any diaper rash, and I believe it's mostly because of CD (and I used eco sposies .. not so much anymore)

Last night I left the CD on her. And she slept a very long time. So when she woke up, I quickly changed her for another CD. And she slept some more. She tends to wake up towards the morning more often which is because of hunger we suspect so it didn't really matter. I didn't see any difference in the sleeping (non)pattern. So we're trying again tonight ! Wish my little eco baby luck ...


sheri said...

That is great news. If you find she is wetting more you may consider a doubler so she doesn't feel the wetness as much and will sleep longer.

Unknown said...

Yay for a whole night in CD's. I haven't been brave enough to try that yet. Anyhow, read an article in the local Langley paper (Advance maybe) that said the torch would leave the Events Centre at 1:40 and head down 200th. We got almost to 200th at about 1:20 and it had already passed. Oh well, we caught it very briefly at 64/200 as it turned the corner. Did you happen to see two crazy moms running with strollers? That was us!

Mon said...

I dont think we saw you, i know how you look like from teh willowbrook stroll and fit and I think i would notice. Im going to check the pictures we took though and if i see it, i will send it to you LOL ! Where were you coming from? You must have been way up. I ran all the way from home just to wait almost one hour for the torch haha. We were just behind KFC on the 64th